
Man gets revenge on ‘entitled Karen’ neighbour after she stole his parking spot

A man devised a vindictive scheme to seek revenge on an inconsiderate neighbour who had repeatedly ignored common parking courtesy outside their shared building block.

The saga began when the “Karen” – a nickname colloquially given to white, middle-aged entitled women – boldly stole the man’s parking spot, as he patiently waited for the space with his indicator on.

Recounting the incident on social media, the man wrote: “One evening, I’m doing the usual post-work parking hunt, and after what feels like an eternity, I finally see someone about to pull out near my building.

“I’ve got my blinker on, patiently waiting for the spot.”

He continued: “But just as I’m about to pull in, Karen zooms in out of nowhere, grabs the spot, and strolls off without a care.

“I honk, thinking maybe she didn’t see me, but nope – she just gives me that classic Karen wave and disappears into the building like she did nothing wrong.”

Fuming at the woman’s audacity, the man decided to tackle the situation “a little differently”.

He explained: “I have a friend who works for the towing company that our complex uses.


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“After venting to him about my little Karen problem, he tells me Karen’s car is technically over the line into a fire lane.”

Taking advantage of this minor violation, the man’s friend placed a warning on the woman’s car.

When she ignored it, her vehicle was promptly towed the following night.

However, the saga didn’t end there. A week later, ‘Karen’ returned, this time taking up two parking spaces.

Taking his revenge a step further, he made another call to his towing company friend, resulting in a second tow.

This time, he left a note on her windshield reading: “Parking is a privilege, not a right”.

As a result, the woman was forced to park on the street, unable to use the complex’s parking spaces without breaking the rules.

“And ever since, Karen’s been very quiet. No more smug waves, no more taking spots. Just Karen, being Karen, quietly parking down the street where she belongs,” the man concluded.

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