Muslims in Michigan would ‘rather vote for Trump than Biden’, claims Robert McCaw
Deputy Director at Council on American-Islamic Relations National Headquarters Robert McCaw has claimed that Muslims in Michigan “would rather vote for Trump that Joe Biden.”
During his time in office Joe Biden has attempted to walk a tightrope between sending aid to Israel, a longstanding US ally with historically strong support from Democrats, and appeasing those in his party who want the fighting in Gaza to end.
Now it appears that the Muslims in Michigan are ready to send the President a message by not voting for him in the upcoming election.
Biden narrowly defeated Donald Trump in Michigan in the last election in 2020.
Speaking to GBN America McCaw said: “For the past month, there has been an uncommitted campaign in Michigan.
“It’s called Listen to Michigan, where Muslim-Arabs, and this is a very Arab heavy state, and allies in other communities have pledged to vote uncommitted.
“The initial goal was to have 10,000 votes because that’s the margin that President Biden won that state in the 2020 election.
“They ended up receiving over 100,000 votes. Now, when we narrow into how Muslim voters responded, in an exit poll.
“We pulled over 500 Muslim individuals based on voter lists, we found 94 per cent of the Muslims that voted in the Democratic primary voted uncommitted.
“Only 4.6 per cent voted for re-nominating Biden as president for the Democratic Party.
“And one of the most telling parts of that polls, we found that 40 per cent of Muslim voters would prefer an unnamed other candidates if there was a snap election that day for the president.
“Another 25 per cent said would vote for third party candidate Doctor Cornell West and then Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump getting 13 per cent, over Biden who received eight per cent.
He added: “There’s a lot of discontent in the Muslim community for how the Biden administration has shown its unconditional support for the Israeli government’s genocide.
“Muslim voters, they’re not just upset over the politics of American foreign policy. In every mosque across the country, there’s a Palestinian family asking for the prayers of their fellow congregants of other races and nationalities where they’re praying for their, nephews, nieces, cousins, parents, in some cases children that have been killed.
“So this isn’t just a political matter. This is a personal matter to the Muslim community.”