
Pro-Palestine protesters ‘aggressively intimidate’ Jewish community centre as police accused of ‘watching on’

Pro-Palestine protesters have been filmed “aggressively intimidating” attendees at a Jewish community centre as Metropolitan Police officers were accused of “sitting in their cars”.

A group of anti-Israel demonstrators gathered outside West Hampstead’s JW3 community centre earlier today.

Israeli newspaper Haaretz was hosting a conference at the JW3 in North London, with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and ex-Palestinian Foreign Minister Dr Nasser Alkidwa in attendance.

The protest appeared to boil over after some activists were heard chanting: “Intifada revolution.”

Banners held aloft by protesters also included paint-stained hand prints to emulate blood marks.

A group of counter-demonstrators also gathered outside the North London community centre, shouting: “Terrorist supporters off our streets.”

However, local police were criticised for a seemingly lacklustre response to the tense protest.

An eyewitness claimed there was “very little police presence” as only a “handful” of officers actively responding to the protest.

They also accused a number of officers of remaining seated in their vehicles nearby rather than confronting the crowd.

Another video heaped more pressure on Scotland Yard after it appeared to show an officer rebuke a dog walker who showed the pro-Palestine protesters the middle finger.

Campaign group Stop The Hate UK said: “Yet again, the Metropolitan Police is failing to protect the Jewish community in London.

“Today they allow the terrorist supporters to spread their hate and antisemitism in north London opposite a peace conference organised by Haaretz .

“Many of them are familiar to us and the police yet they do nothing about it. Counter Terrorism Police should also finally take note of these people.”

In a statement, the Metropolitan Police said: “We are dealing with a protest outside a venue in Finchley Road NW3. Officers were quickly on scene and remain there.

“Conditions under section 14 of the Public Order Act have been imposed on those protesting. One person has been arrested for criminal damage.”

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