
Charlie Mullins: Britain has gone bat-sh*t crazy – I wish I didn’t have to leave but I fear for UK’s future with Keir Starmer’s crazy-crew

Sitting in the sunny south of Spain watching the goings on in the country, I called home for 71 years it seems like the world has turned on its head.

The crazy stuff is supposed to happen in unpredictable Latin countries like Italy and yes, Spain. Or that’s what people used to think in the UK in the days before the country went bat-sh*t crazy.

I’ve never been a ‘told you so’ type, but I bloody told you so! Although even I didn’t think Keir Starmer’s crazy-crew would get quite so power-crazed so quickly.

People told me I was overreacting when I headed for the continent, but loads of them, many who voted for the red-peril, have gone quiet now.

I didn’t go by sea, but I guess my exile to Spain means there’s at least one less mouth to feed on the crowded and broke little island, as thousands flood in daily aboard small boats.

Next week it’s Chancellor, Rachel Reeves’ first budget, and if all the leaks are anywhere near close to the truth the UK will become a true Socialist regime.

And if that’s not bad enough our ‘Glorious Leader’, with help from his disciples, has managed to p*ss off the world’s richest man, and the bloke who very soon will be the planet’s most powerful, in the same week.

We, and sadly I say ‘we,’ perhaps for the last time, since I voted in the General Election, have put the most inexperienced, inept bunch of dogma-driven dullards in charge of a $3.5 trillion business, and none of them have ever run as much as a corner shop.

My last years in the UK were marred by strikes and shortages, with doctors and train drivers leading the misery, and now I hear, after dishing out massive pay rises to these unionised thugs, the plan is to go back to the 1970s, when strikes were long, and got called on a whim.

Do I have regrets about leaving the UK, yes! It’s the only home I’ve known for seven decades. But with government raids on the public landing more hits than the Luftwaffe I genuinely fear for the country’s future. Inheritance, Capital Gains, petrol, pensioners’ fuel money…

Time for a siesta I think.

Adiós por ahora

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