Benefits fraudster pocketed £30k after ‘failing to declare’ pension
A 61-year-old man has admitted to benefit fraud which resulted in him receiving nearly £30,000 worth of overpayments.
John Alan East pleaded guilty to three counts of benefit fraud committed over a six-year period.
He appeared before magistrates on Thursday, March 6, where the court heard he had failed to declare a pension whilst receiving income support.
The fraud involved East failing to declare a change of circumstances on 308 separate occasions.
East, who lives on Tower Road in Ramsey, will now be sentenced next month after a probation report has been prepared.
Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that East had been receiving income support since 2014.
The Department of Health and Social Care became aware in September 2024 that he was receiving a pension which he had not declared.
This failure to disclose his financial circumstances led to an overpayment in benefits totalling £29,597.
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The prosecutor submitted that the case was suitable to be sentenced in summary court.
East was represented in court by advocate Victoria Watterson, who agreed that the lower court was suitable for sentencing.
Watterson requested a probation report be prepared before sentencing, and indicated that a psychiatric report may also be requested.
According to court documents, East had received a lump sum of £24,000 from his pension.
He subsequently received regular monthly payments which he also failed to declare to authorities.
The court heard that East had been claiming income support since 2014, but did not inform the Department of Health and Social Care about his pension income.
Magistrates accepted jurisdiction in the case and granted bail in the sum of £500.
As part of his bail conditions, East must reside at his home address on Tower Road. He is also not permitted to leave the island without court consent.
East is scheduled to be sentenced on April 17 in summary court.
This will take place after the probation report has been completed.
The case involves a significant amount of benefit fraud spanning several years. East’s failure to declare his pension resulted in overpayments of nearly £30,000.
The court will consider the probation report and any psychiatric assessment before determining the appropriate sentence.
East remains on bail until his sentencing hearing next month.