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Rees-Mogg calls for focus on geo-engineering and says plans to stop climate change are ‘futile’

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has said the UK should be supporting green technologies such as geo-engineering rather than “futile” attempts to stop climate change.

Speaking on GB News, he said: “When it comes to climate change, most of the public discourse surrounds hair shirt measures to cut emissions and phase out fossil fuels. But is this really where our focus ought to be?

“Perhaps, instead of being obsessed by futile attempts to stop climate change, a goal that’s looking increasingly out of reach, we should turn our attention to the virtues of green technologies and innovative developments to tackle some of the most practical and immediate challenges.

“Recent research by scientists at the University of Exeter explores whether we can alter the atmosphere to cool the planet, a process called geo-engineering. Methods such as stratospheric aerosol injection or marine cloud brightening are observed in nature, modelled on the cooling effect after volcanic eruptions.

“These ideas are controversial, and they come with perhaps some risks, but shutting down the economy is the biggest risk of all.

“Critics argue that geo-engineering is dangerous and distracts from real solutions such as starving yourself and keeping cold and cutting carbon, despite the fact we spent decades focusing on cutting carbon, which has made us cold and poor, while other countries take no notice and continue to increase their emissions.

“Geo-engineering may not be perfect but it represents a new frontier in climate science that we ought to explore if we are serious about mitigating the effects of global warming.

“Rather than resisting these new technologies out of fear and trembling on the precautionary principle, we should be developing them and understand how they work in nature.

“Professor James Hayward, who leads this research, argued, ‘if world leaders are going to consider these technologies, it’s crucial to do the research now to understand how they work and how to minimise side effects.’

“By supporting green innovation, we are equipping ourselves with more tools to deal with climate change instead of relying on big government’s economy destroying costs and restrictions on our freedoms.

“We need to stop thinking of climate change as just about shutting down the economy. The reality is climate change is already here. The question now is, how do we adapt?

“Green technologies and development offer the best path forward. It’s not about denying climate change, but rather using the practical tools we need to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

“Human ingenuity is a much better route to solving problems than government dictate.

“Of course, the greens hate it because they want to control your lives. But mitigation offers a route to tackle the events of climate change while improving our standard of living.

“It is a much better approach and goes with the grain of the desire of mankind to improve its condition.”


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